Uzu No Oka

It’s located in a hill 5-10 mins drive from Great Naruto Bridge, Awaji Island in Hyogo.

There, you can enjoy having local cuisine such as Onion Hamburgers or other traditional Japanese food, as well as shopping souvenirs, visiting a science museum. It also has a good view point and fun artwork for taking photos.


Onion, Onion, Onion

Awaji Island is famous for its fresh seafood and … ONIONS!!!

↓Guess what this is!


Yes!Onion head!


↓You’ll enjoy shopping for your souvenirs.


↑Inside the building, there are Onion booths so you can take photos. This big guy is TAMACHAN, an Onion boy♪


Hahaha! The vending machine is designed with onions! but it doesn’t sell onions.


Claw machiiiiiine! with onions!!!

↓Let me try it…


Uzushio Science Museum

There is a Science museum where you can learn about the mechanism of the tidal whirlpool with a scaled down model pool that actually has water, simulating tidal waves.


Now, this site, Naruto Channel is applying to be listed in the World Heritage Site. I also put up my message to support the project!

Travel Tips: Uzunooka Onarutokyo Memorial Hall & Bridge view


Writer:  Omotena Sushi

omotena sushi